Black Friday Deals | Let’s shop!
Wenn ihr genau solche Shopaholics seid wie ich habt ihr ihn sehnsüchtig erwartet: Den Black Friday. Am Tag nach Thanksgiving gibt’s fast überall fette Rabatte. Viele Shops bieten aber die komplette Woche Ware stark vergünstigt an. Ich habe ein bisschen gestöbert und für euch ein paar Shops rausgesucht, die einen tollen Black Friday Sale haben – nicht nur heute, sondern noch den Rest der Woche. Happy Shopping!
EN | If you are shopaholics like me, you have been anxiously awaiting it: Black Friday. The day after Thanksgiving, there are Sales everywhere. Many shops even offer their products super cheap all week. I looked around and found some shops that have an awesome Black Friday Sale – not just today, but the entire rest of the week. Happy Shopping!
National (German) Brands
Bei Görtz habe ich schon immer gerne Schuhe gekauft. Mit 20% Rabatt sogar noch viel lieber!
Wenn ihr auf der Suche nach schickem Schmuck seid, dann greift jetzt zu – 50% Rabatt ist MEGA!
Wenn ihr Düfte & Make-up shoppen wollt ist jetzt die perfekte Zeit. Bis zu 50% Rabatt ist Musik in meinen Ohren.
Wintermode für 30% weniger? I looove!
International Brands
Ted Baker
Wer mich kennt weiß, dass ich Ted Baker LIEBE! Seit ich mir vor ein paar Jahren eine Tasche dort gekauft habe bin ich ein riesiger Fan der Marke. 50% Rabatt klingen so gut, dass ich auf jeden Fall vorbeischauen muss.
EN | Everyone who knows me knows that I LOVE Ted Baker! Since I bought myself a cute bag there a few years ago, I’m a huge Fan. 50% off sound so good that I definitely have to pay their website a visit.
60% Rabatt als Thanksgiving-Goodie? Ich lieb’s!
EN | 60% off as a Thanksgiving goodie? I looove!
Ich habe ein Paar UGGs und kann euch sagen: Die halten so unfassbar warm, ich liebe es. Selbst in der Berliner Kälte haben sie meine Füße warm gehalten.
EN | I have a pair of UGGs and can tell you: They keep you soo warm, I love it. Even in Berlin’s cold they kept my feet cozy and warm.
Bei Zara gibt’s 40% Rabatt – und bei den normalerweise relativ hohen Preisen klingt der Rabatt doppelt so gut.
EN | At Zara you can get 40% off – and considering the usually relatively high prices, this sale sounds especially good.
Besonders für Basics mag ich H&M total gerne. Hier gibt’s in Deutschland 20% und in den USA 30% Rabatt.
Garage (USA/Canada only)
I LOVE Garage, but usually it’s quite expensive. Fortunately, you can buy one item and get 50% off the second one. I will definitely check it out!
Charlotte Russe
They have suuuper cute stuff & on Black Friday you can get their items for $20 or less!
Ich hoffe, meine Tipps helfen euch und ihr findet ein paar tolle Schnäppchen. Ich würde ja am liebsten alle diese Shops leer kaufen! Leider reicht das Budget dafür nicht – aber ich plane morgen definitiv ein bisschen Shopping ein. Happy Black Friday everyone!
EN | I hope my tips help you and you find some good bargains. Honestly, I’d like to buy out all these shops! Unfortunately, that’s not in the budget this year – but I’m definitely planning a little shopping tomorrow. Happy Black Friday everyone!
Seid ihr dieses Jahr beim Black Friday Shopping dabei?
EN | Are you doing some Black Friday Shopping this year?
Dieser Beitrag enthält Affiliate Links. Dies bedeutet lediglich, dass ich bei über diese Links getätigten Käufen eine kleine Provision erhalte.
EN | This post contains affiliate links. This just means that whenever you buy something using those links, I receive a little commission.

jodie filogomo
I always love the deals you can get this time of year.
Sane, you can save so much money right now!
There were so many good deals, and I did some shopping for myself! 🙂
I know right? And same, I treated myself too! <3
Laura Bambrick
These are great deals! Thanks for sharing!
This is such a great time to shop with so many deals around.
Some amazing deals here! I only bought one thing this Black Friday which was from Jones Bootmaker!
Ohh I wish that I could to that 😀 I bought waaaay too much and now have to deal with sending stuff back. But I also found cute things, so it was worth it!
These look like some great deals. Thank you for sharing some Black Friday suggestions. I did some shopping yesterday for Christmas.
I know right? You’re very welcome honey 🙂
Mist, hätte ich diesen Beitrag doch nur ein bisschen früher entdeckt 😀
Liebe Grüße
Jimena von littlethingcalledlove.de
Macht nix – nach Weihnachten gibt’s sicherlich wieder tolle Sales!
Kathrine Eldridge
So many great deal! Thanks for sharing!
Thank YOU!
Mariann Yip
Thank you so much for sharing this.
Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read it <3
Man kann schon schöne Schnäppchen machen :).
Ja, definitiv!
Thanks for sharing the sales! I hope you have been having fun shopping them! I managed to finish all my Christmas shopping in the sales on the weekend which was really helpful! 🙂
Hope that you are having a good week 🙂 Yet another rainy spring day here!
I should have done my Christmas shopping then. Didn’t think of that at aaaall! But I did find some super cute things for myself at least 😀
Her Digital Coffee
Wow, I had no idea Garage was having a buy one get one 50% off! Thanks for sharing!
Yes they did and honestly, their stuff is a little expensive I think, so 2 for 1 is a great deal there.
There have been so many amazing deals over the weekend! Thank you for sharing!
I hope you are having a great week so far!
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Ich habe dieses Jahr nur Stiefel gesoppt. Sie waren auch reduziert und passen hervorragend! Da bin ich richtig glücklich darüber. Liebe Grüße!
Ohh wie schön! Ganz viel Freude damit <3
Julia Rees
Thanks for sharing these great deals! I love shopping the Black Friday sales for Christmas gifts, but I think I will check the Zara sale for myself!
Julia x
You’re very welcome love! Want me to tell you something? I legit did not think of doing my Christmas gift shopping during the Black Friday sales. I should have because everything was soo cheap! A friend told me after and I was like “yikes, how did I forget about that?” And I hope you found cute stuff at Zara <3
Ana Castilho
Great post! 🙂
Thank you soo much!
So many interesting ideas! Thanks for sharing.
Kisses, Paola.
My Instagram
You’re very welcome!
I did lots of Black Friday online shopping this year! So many good deals!
Jill – Doused in Pink
I KNOW RIGHT?! The deals were incredible!!
So many great deals this time of year!
I know right? I saved so much money!
Allie Mackin
Oh yes I did indulge a bit this Black Friday on a Ted Baker bag. And thanks for the heads up on these!!
Allie of
Uhh, I should have done that! I decided to go for clothes this Black Friday, but I really really want another Ted Baker bag!
Isa A
Hi. My first time reaching your blog. I don’t have Thanksgiving at mine and didn’t have black Friday either. I got to pick any English you wrote there so thanks for that. I also love Ted baker especially their shoes. I’ve a mixed relationship with Zara but the discounts you showed 30 to 60 were great. And great site picks too. Liked it!
Isa A. Blogger
Hii, welcome! I hope you’ll come back here <3 Omg yes, Ted Baker is one of my fave brands, love their style! Ik, Zara can be super expensive but yes, the discounts were awesome this time. Thank you so much Isa 🙂
Thanks for sharing.
The Style Fanatic // Instagram
Ofc love <3
Hallo meine Liebe;)
Wie cool, da sind super Angebote dabeoi., Ich shoppe super gerne am Black Friday 😉
Liebe Grüße aus Stuttgart
Jaa, die Angebote sind am Black Friday echt immer MEGA. Da kann man richtig sparen 😀